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By Becoming an Expert in AWeber!
And Making More Money Than 2022!

My Advanced AWeber Crash Course 4.0 Will
Take Your Expertise to the Next Level

Make Even More Money from Your Existing List and Build Your List Even Faster

Become an Expert in one of the Most Popular Email List-Building Programs Used by Many of the Leaders in Online Marketing.
 You will Learn Tips and Tricks that will Allow You to Get More Subscribers and Make More Money from Your Existing List.

Why Do I Need This Course? What Can I Do With It?

Now you can Use or Sell Your Knowledge of AWeber to Make Money Online...

Get More Subscribers and Make More Money with Your Existing List...

You Will Learn How to Get More Subscribers for Your Existing List
You Will Learn How to Make More Money with Your Existing List
You Will Finally Get to Take Full Advantage of the Full Power of AWeber

Sell Your Services as an AWeber Expert...

Easily Charge $75 to $300 setting up AWeber Accounts for Clients
Clients Need People to Set up the Opt-in Forms, Templates, Email Campaigns, Landing Pages, List Segmentation and More!
Turn it into a full-time income or part-time side-hustle
AWeber is Now Looking for Certified AWeber Experts to work from home to setting up client accounts

Below are The 15 detailed, step-by-Step,
Over-the-Shoulder Video Tutorials included in this 
Advanced aWeber crash Course!

Finally Master One of the Most Popular Email Autoresponders Around

My Secret Money Making Email Template

You learn the proper way to set up your very own Money Making Email Template in AWeber.  Once you create one or more of these templates (and it's real easy to do, once you know how), you will be able to make more money from your existing list by sending the same emails you would normally send out to your list.  People will actually be thanking you.

How to Write High Quality Professional Emails Automatically using AI built into AWeber!

In less than 7 minutes, I show you how you can have the NEW AI feature built into AWeber write you a top-notch, professional email in just seconds. It sounds to good to be true, but once you watch this video, you'll realize it is true. AI is amazing! No more "writer's block" ever again!

How to Use the Unsplash Button to access over 3 Million Royalty-Free Images for Your Email Messages

Over 3 million free high-resolution images brought to you by the world’s most generous community of photographers. These images are free. They cost nothing. You can use them for commercial or non-commercial use. All images are Top-Notch, Professional and of the Highest Quality.

How to Resend an Email to the Same List but ONLY to Those People that Didn't Open the First Time

Choose In this video tutorial I show you how to resend out the exact same email to the exact same list, BUT this second time you send the email, it will only be sent to subscribers who did NOT open the email the first time! Finally, a video tutorial that breaks down this semi-complex process and makes it so easy to do!

AWeber Will Instantly Create Email Templates Based on Your Website's Color and Images

This is a very cool, BUT little known feature of AWeber.  You paste the URL (web address) of the front page of your own website, any page of your website, or your landing page that you created with AWeber, and then Aweber will instantly create 7 email templates with the appropriate colors and images!

How to Tag Subscribers and Segment Your Lists 

Tagging Subscribers and Segmenting Lists is an easy and powerful way to target your audience.   For instance, you send out emails to one of your lists, BUT ONLY to subscribers that have completed an AWeber Campaign or autoresponder series (who are NOW ready to buy!).  Or you send out an email only to those subscribers on the list who Opted in for a particular Free Report or Lead Magnet (also now ready to buy!).

How to Create Different Segments on the Same List and Email to Them

You can have one list of subscribers that have a common interest (for example 'Health and Fitness').  However, You may want to some emails only certain segments of that list at different times. I show you several different easy ways to create those segments and how to send emails only to certain segments on that list.  This is so much easier and more efficient than creating and emailing several different lists.

How to Tag Subscribers as They Sign Up for Their 'Free Report' 

You can have one list of subscribers that have a common interest (for example 'WordPress').  However, some of the subscribers opted into the list for a Free Report on 'WordPress Themes' and some opted in for a Free Report on 'WordPress Plugins'.   So by tagging the subscribers as they opt-in, you can easily segment the list and only email to the segment interested in 'WordPress Themes', for instance. Powerful stuff.

How to Instantly Generate Reports to Spot Trends in Your Lists

Here's another little known and little used feature of AWeber.  At the click of a button AWeber will generate all kinds of reports, charts and graphs to make it real easy to spot trends in your email lists.  At a glance you can see how many new subscribers are signing up per week and per month.  How many subscribers are opening emails and clicking on links, etc.

How Deleting Email Unsubscribers Will Actually Save You Money

AWeber actually stores all the email addresses that have unsubscribed from your list.  It stores all the data associated with each email address - like how many emails it received and opened.  Therefore, AWeber counts these 'unsubscribed' email addresses toward the total number of addresses that you are paying for each month.  I show you how to delete and bulk delete these unsubscribers which, in the end, will save you money!

You Need to Create List Backups and Save Them to Your Hard Drive

Just like any online asset that is essentially 'in the cloud', your email list could vanish overnight.  The servers at AWeber that store your email lists are electronic, magnetic, physical entities that can accidentally crash, just like any computer server anywhere in the world.  If you have your own copy of your email lists, then all the time, energy, and money it took to build your lists will never be lost!

How to Import Individual Subscribers and Lists of Subscribers

Aweber actually allows you to add individual subscribers to your list if they have given you permission (like someone you meet at a networking meeting).  You can add email names and addresses to your list from people that signed up on a piece of paper and a clipboard at a trade show (for example).  Or you can import a list from another autoresponder (like MailChimp or GetResponse, for example). 

The Canva Button Creates Stunning Custom Designs insides AWeber

Design Tap into millions of images, videos, graphics, templates, icons and more to create custom designs -- without ever leaving AWeber!  Design custom images with Canva directly inside the AWeber message editor and landing page builder with the Canva Button.   AWeber has partnered with Canva — the world’s fastest growing online design platform — to give you easy-to-use design tools right at your fingertips. 

Web Push Notifications Are Another Way to Contact Your Followers

Web Push Notifications are short, one-time messages that are delivered straight to a subscriber’s desktop when they have a browser open.  Not only do push notifications let you communicate updates to your audience, they enable you to drive traffic to your website or landing page, build your audience, and grow your business. Plus, they work great in tandem with email marketing. 

How Customize Your "Already Subscribed" Page

People will oftentimes try to subscribe to the same list twice because they've forgotten that they are already on the list.  They really want that 'lead magnet' or 'free report' or whatever it is that you're giving away.  BUT the second time they try and subscribe to your list, they just get redirected to an "Already Subscribed" page.  When you customize that page, they end up with the 'free report' and re-engage with you, the list builder!

Complete Video Transcripts and Checklists

Every Video Tutorial has a minute-by-minute transcript so you don't have to re-watch and scroll through an entire video to review a section or to get your question answered.

Once you've watched a video, you can simply print out and refer back to your checklist for that video to make sure you don't accidentally skip any steps when using AWeber.

Why You Definitely Need an Email List...

Everyone on your email list has given you permission to market to them for the rest of their lives. As long as they remain on your email list, they are telling you, 'send me what you got!' Some of what you send them will be free valuable content, some of it will be profit-generating sales letters. And, sending a sales letter to your email list costs practically nothing, especially when compared to Facebook, YouTube, or AdWords advertising campaigns. All successful online marketers have large email lists with hot prospects and hungry buyers. And, now, you can, too!!!

Why You Definitely Need AWeber...

Daily, I receive emails from all the top Internet Marketers in the industry so I can stay current on the latest trends. And, through the years, I've noticed that most of the top producers use AWeber to send emails to their email list. If it's good enough for the top producers in online marketing, it's good enough for me. And, there are over 100,000+ people and businesses worldwide using AWeber as their email autoresponder and email list-builder, as well. So if you are looking for social proof, there's a ton of it right there!

AWeber has been around for over 20 years and is considered an Industry Standard

20 years

AWeber has been on the market for over 20 years now.


AWeber has over 100,000 users and more are joining everyday.


AWeber now offers a FREE forever version of up to 500 subscribers.

Email Stats You Need to Know for 2023...

3.7 billion people used email.
269 billion business and consumer emails were sent and received per day — and that number is expected to continue to grow at an average annual rate of 4.4% over the next four years.
65 percent of email users worldwide accessed email on their mobile devices. (source: The Radicati Group, Inc., 2017)
In fact, sixty-six percent of online consumers made a purchase after receiving an email marketing message — which is more than social media and direct mail, according to the Data & Marketing Association.
And transactions from email are three times more profitable than those made on social media, reports the global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company.
The best part: Email marketing has a high Return on Investment (ROI). For every $1 spent, you can expect an average return of $38, according to the Direct Marketing Association. That’s fantastic ROI. It’s how you not only keep the lights on, but continue to be profitable year after year.

This is what you get when you buy The Advanced AWeber Crash Course for
This ridiculously Low Launch Price...

Become an AWeber Expert and greatly Enhance your Reputation as people buy this course from you.

You Get My Secret  Money Making Email Template 
You get the complete AWeber video course.  That covers 13 important topics with top-notch training
You get complete minute-by-minute transcripts of each video tutorial for easy review and reference.
How to write Professional emails in seconds using AI that is built into AWeber!
You get printable checklists for each video, so you never miss a step creating AWeber templates, campaigns, opt-in forms, etc.  
30-day No Hassle 100%  Money Back Guarantee.

What Are the Benefits to to You?

The Bottom Line is that You Can Make Money by Taking the Course or Selling the Course!

Use AWeber AI

Learn how to use AWeber AI to write Professional Money Making emails in seconds.

Evergreen Course

AWeber has been around for over 20 years.  The AWeber Crash Course never goes out of style.

Sell Your Services

You will be more than ready to charge $50 to $100 an hour to setup AWeber for clients desperate for your help.

Use AWeber Like a Pro

You will no longer be stuck using the basic features because you just can't figure AWeber out.

Increase Opt-in Rates

Create Custom Sign-up forms and Opt-in boxes that visitors actually want to put their email address in.

Increase Email Sales

Create custom email templates that establish your brand and 'sell without selling'.

Secret Template

You will get access to My Secret Money-Making Email Template

Use with WordPress

This  course shows you the proper way to easily integrate AWeber with WordPress

30-Day 100%, 24-hour, Money Back Guarantee

You can easily complete this course in one day.   However, I'm giving you 30 days to check out all the videos, transcripts, flow charts and checklists in this course.   If you are not 100% totally satisfied that this is The Best AWeber Course you've ever taken, just let me know and I'll personally refund all your money the same day, no questions asked.   Feel free to keep the course as my free gift to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course targeted more for beginners, intermediate or advanced AWeber users?

This course is designed specifically for beginners and intermediate AWeber users. However, I guarantee that Advanced users will pick up tips and tricks that are worth way more than the price of the entire course. This Advanced AWeber Crash Course will take anyone from Zero to Hero in about 90 minutes.

Does the Advanced AWeber Crash Course Apply to the FREE version of AWeber?

Yes.  Everything I teach in this course applies equally to the AWeber Pro Version (paid version) and the AWeber FREE version, as well. 

Do I have PLR rights to this Course?

Please note that you do NOT have any PLR rights to this course.  This course is for your own personal training and edification only.  You are NOT allowed to sell or share any of these videos anywhere at any time.  You are NOT allowed to give these videos away for free at any time. Your respect and cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.   

What is an AWeber Expert?

I define an AWeber Expert as someone who can charge a hefty fee to set up client's AWeber email list, create and set-up their AWeber Opt-in forms on the client's website, set up their AWeber autoresponder campaigns, set up their email templates, create and schedule their email blasts (also called broadcast messages), create their landing page or opt-in page if they don't already have one, etc.    This is exactly the stuff I teach in this course and what people will pay you good money to set up for them.  If you get stuck with a question, you can always contact AWeber technical support anytime.

YES, I'm ready to take my List Building and Online Marketing to the
Next Level for ONLY $27

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